
Bean Salad


I had my doubts about this one when I first read the ingredients.  Soy beans?  Garlic and rosemary infused oil?  I'm not so sure about this one.  But it sure did not disappoint.  The only change I made to the ingredients was to add juice of about 1/2 a lemon and to boil the frozen soybeans for about 5-6 minutes and then give them a quick dunk in ice cold water.  The pecorino is an amazingly delicious cheese and complemented the garlic and rosemary perfectly.  But MAN was it expensive!  Probably the first time I've ever purchased cheese at over $20 a pound!  After we made it back from Christmas in Manhattan, I ate the remaining cheese in little chunks all by itself.  SO worth it.

Recipe: Pecorino and Bean Salad
Event: Pacey Family Christmas


Nutty Cheese Ball

Well, it tastes yummy but the visual appeal leaves something to be desired!  This wasn't my first time making this cheese ball, but for some reason it came out far too runny - it wouldn't even form into a ball.  So, this ball is going to tonight's Christmas party flopped-out on a pie plate as more of a "cheese disk".

Recipe: Fisher Nutty Bacon Cheese Ball
Event: McLallen Christmas Eve Party


A Blog?

I'm not an amazing cook.  But, I am a fairly good one and I get better and better with each attempt.  I decided to try my hand at blogging to keep a diary of everything I make.  I'm not witty or an especially great writer so I'll probably bore you if I keep on typing.  This is simply a record of what I cook, what works and what doesn't.  Enjoy!