

How do you even pronounce that?  Spet-zel?  Spat-sel?  I still don't know.  What I do know it that the Germans had it right when they invented this extremely messy to make but super delicious "pasta".  I was bored with the idea of making boneless chicken breasts again and was limited to the food I had in house...this included both cornmeal and ricotta - who knew you could make something delicious from that?!

Jeez-o, what a mess this made.  The recipe calls for making a simple cornmeal batter then squeezing it with a spatula through a wide-holed colander into a boiling pot of water.  I'm sure there's a German housewife somewhere making this without destroying her kitchen, but this Mid-Westerner wasn't born with whatever skill that might take.  About a thousand dirty dishes and a really gross countertop later, I created one of my new favorite side-dishes, Cornmeal Spaetzle.  Served with Garlic Chicken and German Brussel Spouts.

Recipe: Cornmeal Spaetzle, Martha Stewart Living

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