
With a name like this, who couldn't love you?!

One weekend afternoon, I sat in my living room watching Paula Deen.  We all know her...a stick of butter here, 2 cups of sugar there.  Deep-fried and delicious.  I don't blame her for her weakness for fat and my will power, too, would cave if she became my personal chef.  But as I sat watching her for the umteenth time, I heard the name of a recipe that evoked desire: Gooey Butter Cake.

I put the thought out of my head right then and there.  As she poured the butter, cream cheese and powdered sugar by the cups full into her dish, I decided this was something I was better off not to try.  Then, one day by chance I saw a completely different TV program on this dessert and the envelope was sealed.  I would be eating this one day.  Soon.

Since Mom and Dad were coming to dinner last Sunday, I knew I needed dessert.  Into my mind it crept..."Gooey"..."cake"...oh no.  It's over.

On one website, I read this dessert described as "spun sugar" and "cotton candy" and "sugar off the top of the best creme brulee".  They were 100% completely right.  Don't delay.  Eat it.  Today.  If it takes knowing that four of my coworkers asked me for the recipe after bringing the leftovers in to work BEFORE you'll make it, then you've waited too long.

Recipe: Goey Butter Cake

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