
Weekend Lunch, Repeated

Joe and I have never claimed to be extraordinarily exciting.  Matter of fact, we kind of embrace being dull and predictable.  Pizza Friday?  Yes!  No decisions to make at the end of the work week.  A beer at home on the couch while watching the DVR?  Awesome!  I didn't want to get out of my sweatpants, anyway.

So, when Saturday comes and we're deciding on lunch, if there's bread in the house there is no doubt what we're eating: Panini.  The Panini has become a delicious alternative to grabbing Chipotle (although, this tends to be our Sunday Lunch staple) and never disappoints.  No recipe needed...just sourdough bread, turkey (whatever's on sale that week), thick-cut bacon fried semi-crisp, cheese and honey-dijon mustard.  Mmmm.  That's what Saturdays were made for.

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