
"Fruit Bowl"

Super bowls are hit and miss.  I love football, but only every so often do you experience a super bowl with an engaging score, yet a half-time show as terrible as the one the Black Eyed Peas presented this year.  Wow.  This is actually one for the record-books...to a female, for once the game was more interesting than the commercials or half-time entertainment.  Thanks, FOX?!

Luckily, we had some fantastic food to upstage the terrible entertainment.  Joe and I ate the leftover cinnamon chips and fruit dip all week afterwards.  I've seen this dessert for years but only recently decided to try my hand at it.  The chips were super delicious (albeit a little messy to prepare) and the fruit dip exceeded my expectations  (I feared it would be super-duper sweet).  I suggest trying this one out - the chips lasted long after the dip and made for nice snacking whenever I needed a little "fix".  It's especially good for those out there who like dessert but can't take something over-the-top sweet.

Recipe: Cinnamon Chips and Fruit Dip

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