
Cake Pops: Round 2

While Christmas shopping last year, I entered a children's boutique with the most adorable kids' stuff.  The cutest clothes, accessories and toys.  Nothing an actual parent would ever buy: a high price tag and a high probability of the item being destroyed.  Just the kind of place that caters to those of us without little ones.

Following suit, I didn't leave the store without buying several items that were terribly overpriced, one of which was a book on cake pops.  If you've read my post about Bailey Dog's birthday last year, you've seen my first attempt at creating a cake pop.  Not pretty.

But, my friend, Kim, is great at cupcakes - so, she should be equally excellent at cake pops, right?!

Let's just say we were about even in the cake pop skill competition.  

Despite our relatively rudimentary cake pop skills, we had a blast rolling, dipping and decorating these cupcake cake pops.  I'd suggest always doing this with a friend and making your cake pops slightly larger than called for.  The recipe stated that it made 48 total pops and between the two of us we ended up with a combined total of 23.  Believe me.  That was plenty.

And, if I squint my eyes just right, they actually LOOK like cupcakes.  

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